Introduction to Asian Protocol & Business Etiquette
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Guest speaker: Sonia Garza-Monarchi, Garza Protocol Associates
When dealing with international clients or traveling abroad, have you ever said or done something and thought, "Hmm...that didn't go so well." If you want to improve your success rate in the global market, come learn the do's and don'ts of working in China, Japan, Korea. Even presidents and multinational CEOS get it wrong but with some training you'll know whether to bow or not as well as how to properly shake hands with the Korean president and international business executives.
Click here to register.
MIND, BODY & SPIRIT: 9th Annual Women's Self-Defense Seminar
Saturday, June 14, 2014
It's not about the size or strength, but attitude and skill. Asia Houston Network and Kim Soo Karate will host our 9th annual Mind, Body & Spirit, a women's self-defense seminar and demonstration. Participants will learn how to use leverage, momentum and vital pressure points against an attacker and how to employ practical, easy-to-learn blocks, strikes and throws. Pre-registration required. Click to register!
EEOC Celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
AHN President Gigi Lee was the guest speaker at the Houston EEOC's Asia Pacific American Heritage Month celebration. |